UK travel marketeer – is it time to get worried?

Dear UK travel marketeer,

This may well be the most important blog you will be reading today – well,  probably the entire week – so you would be well-advised to read on.

Just in case you are thinking you are the only one who is getting absolutely fed up with the word Brexit and its concomitant coverage in the press, rest assured. You are not. The Dutch and Belgiums too no longer cannot see the wood for the trees and are overwhelmed, flabbergasted and bewildered by the present developments and procrastination in your country. And I am sorry to say  – but I do not want to mince matters – it is starting to backfire on you.

The daily Brexit pandemonium is having a negative effect on Dutch and Belgium tourists – Benelux holiday figures indicate a drop in UK bookings and interest – Benelux citizens are beginning to look for alternative holiday destinations. And when it comes down to holidaying abroad – the consumer  – needless to say – is absolutely spoilt for choice in Europe and beyond.

We clearly see that ‘clever clogs’ in the travel industry on the Continent are starting to avail themselves of this new opportunity – addressing Dutch/Belgium tourists who are considering to give the UK and/or Ireland a miss. Consequently, you need to step up your PR actions to counter this emerging ‘I have had enough of this Brexit stuff’ attitude in our region.

Please please please realize that now is not the time to sit back and adopt a waiting attitude… the UK travel industry needs to increase and intensify their promotional actions so as to tell the end-consumer you are ready to welcome them – more than ever before!

We offer a great deal of PR actions to assist you in bringing your region under the attention of press, trade and/or consumers – one of them being a media event called Travel Pressentation (yes, the pun is intendend), the largest Meet the Dutch Travel Press and Belgium Travel Press events organised in the Benelux. This year the 19th (!) edition will take place in the city of Utrecht on Thursday 10 October, whilst the Belgium version is organised one day before: Wednesday 9 October. Read all the details HERE.

Contemplation is a gift, participation a virtue.