Travel Pressentation 2023

Travel Pressentation 2025

The largest travel media event in Holland and Belgium

  • Wednesday 9 October in Lindner Hotel Antwerp (Belgium)
  • Thursday 10 October restaurant/brewery De Prael in The Hague (Holland)

Every year in autumn we hold one of travel PR’s top media events. Sitting at the top of the “to-attend” list for many, it’s our chance to introduce our clients and potential clients to our exhaustive list of First tier Travel industry media contacts. Travelpressentation is a yearly held media event since 2005. The media changed a lot but the concept remains successful it is people’s business. This year in 2025 on the 9th of October in Antwerp Belgium and the 10th of October in The Hague – The Netherlands together with the first edition of the Dutch Travel Media Awards 

In 2024 we decided to do things a little differently, drawing on the success of our sell-out annual Travelpressentation media day, we launched The Dutch Travel Media awards. We believe that a good inspiring travel story deserves a platform. We have found a bespoken qualified jury to go over all the entries and the Awards will be during TravelPressentation the 10th of October.

You can apply for both events for a special fee or only for the Dutch or Belgium edition. You can register and secure you spot via this form.  In the Form you find below the participation Fees for Both editions or The Dutch and Belgium edition.

So, in 2025, we’ll be packing out with special sponsorship packages too. Contact Agnes of our agency to find out the possibilities and she will send you the media packages. We hope we can celebrate 20 years Travelpressentation and the first edition of the Dutch Travel Media Awards together.

In the fast moving world of media let’s drive meaningful connections between forward-thinking travel brands and media in Netherlands and Belgium.

Please fill in the details below to register for Travelpressentation 2025

The concept

Straightforward: we offer you the opportunity to personally meet with a large share of the Dutch and/or Belgian travel & lifestyle media under one roof and in one venue. Seated behind your own table you discuss news, press trips, joint promotions and potential collaborations during face-to-face conversations with (freelance) journalists, newspapers, magazines, bloggers, influencers, photographers, travel web editors, etc.

  • the largest travel media event in The Netherlands and Belgium
  • media love to meet with lots of companies/organizations in one afternoon
  • your chance to gather lots of new online and offline media contacts
  • establish personal relations with the media
  • a cost-effective opportunity to promote your destination or travel brand
  • initiate press trips, joint promotions, advertorials, free publicity, etc
  • meet more than 80 print press, bloggers, influencers, freelancers, content creators, travel magazines, etc
  • great mix of different travel organisations participating
Impressie Travel Pressentation

Dutch and Belgian citizens love to travel

With a population of 17.7 million people in Holland it is an excellent source market to attract tourists. The Dutch take a stunning 35.9 million holidays in 2022, of which 19,4 million abroad. The population in Belgium amounts to more than 11.7 million, of which 58% (some 6.7 million) live in Flanders. In 2022 they took a total of 21,8 million holidays, 74% of which abroad.

Part of the Skylounge meeting room
The photo depicts part of the interior of Skylounge venue
logo Travelpressentation
Impressie brouwerij/restaurnat De Prael
The photo depicts part of the interior of restaurant/brewery De Prael

Participation price per event:  € 1.050,-. euro* (ex Vat)

Participation includes your own table, a great meeting venue, updates across social media, listing on the media invitation, lunch, drinks, wifi and many many media and content creators to talk to.

If your organisation has a European VAT number we do not have to charge VAT.

11.30-13.00: arrival participants, set up and prepare your table – lunch provided
13.00-17.30: media meetings
17.30-18.30: networking drinks


For an impression of a previous edition, kindly watch this short video.

Registration form