Contacts… contacts… contacts. Knowing the production companies who make and produce tv formats for both public broadcasting channels and commercial channels on Dutch televison is of tremendous help. Dutch tv star chef Herman den Blijker has been performing in food tv programmes for over 10 years and is a national celebrity. His new programme is called ‘Herman’s Pop-up Restaurant’ in which 6 couples compete for a chance to run his new pop-up restaurant he is opening in the city of Rotterdam. Our colleague Agnes contacted the production company to offer them the perfect venue and background for filming one or two episodes – the stunning boutique hotel of Can Lluc on the island of Ibiza.
By hosting part of the programme Can Lluc can promote itself to a large audience. The target audience of Can Lluc is similar to the audience that watches television. This makes the program a very good fit for Can Lluc.
- Inform the Dutch target audience about what the hotel can offer. The programme showed the entrance pool, garden and dining area. Most importantly it showed the private setting of the hotel. The viewers also got the opportunity to “meet” the owners. This adds to the experience of the hotel being a small private boutique hotel instead of a large scale conglomerate. The owners couple were part of the judges panel for the first cooking assignment.
The first episode had 450.000 viewers. The episode showed Can Lluc for more than 30 minutes out of the total 50 minutes. It showcased the hotel including the garden, pool and dining area. It also showed the private nature of the hotel.
Once the pop-up restaurant in Rotterdam is opened, it will also showcase a dish that is inspired by Can Lluc. This will generate extra brand recognition for the hotel.